January 2010 Essay on Maitreya Apostate False Messiah By Chase Kyla Hunter

  False Messiah and global new age Antichrist figure “Lord Maitreya” of London has claimed affiliation with the HAARP wave Project Blue Beam artificial “star” popularly called the Norway Spiral which was projected into the atmosphere over their HAARP facility on 12.9.2009. A prominent photo of the Norway Spiral has been placed on the front page of the Maitreya website to somehow seek desperate affiliation with the hi-tech scientific hologram which was projected into the lower atmosphere over Norway on December 9th 2009 using HAARP Blue Beam technology. ( There are now 8 HAARP facilities globally, one in Norway and 7 in north America.)


The choice of the people at Share International to post this photo of the Norway Spiral indicates a very high level of desperation to claim some sort of ownership of the illuminati directed phenomenon. It is very telling.

So it all begs the question: Suppose the final false Christ showed up in the world media and everyone just ignored him, instead of being intimidated and afraid?

Isn’t it an interesting thought? Since evil has no real power, and it can only derive it’s false temporary power through fear, violence, spiritual intimidation, fraud, by using blunt force, or by using black magic, the final embarrassment for the Antichrist to send him back into his hole  might not take much more than laughing hilariously at all these desperate media antics: the slick TV advertisements selling him a the world messiah on CNN, the faked phony “miracle” photos, jumping on the HAARP Norway Spiral bandwagon with  holograms of bizarrely distorted fake “stars” being projected up into the atmosphere by Blue Beam technology all over the world – all of these spectacles, are flatly unspiritual fraudulent phenomenon. If no one buys what Maitreya is selling, then he can’t keep selling it, can he?

This final global Antichrist figure, apparently now very desperate to be clamoured for, is planning a worldwide TV interview in 2010 as the false Christ and fake Global Messiah. He will pretend to be the Christ before the entire world. A television interview has been procured with one of the big 4 USA TV networks – so it is either going to be CBS, ABC, NBC, or Fox.

Why don’t we just put together a massive email campaign to promise an all out boycott of every product and service promoted by the American TV network that finally airs this Satanic fraud, and let the TV media in America feel the sting of nearly 200 million adult Christian households with some deep pockets not watching their network or buying any products advertised on it? Money talks and we all know it.

Spread this news report far and wide. Hurry for we have very little time. Click the link below to read the entire new essay by Cherokee Shaman Chase Hunter:



Chase has been following and monitoring the world movement of the Maitreya organization since the mid 1980s. She had long suspected that Maitreya was a possible final Apostasy figure, and has been monitoring both he and false prophet Barack Obama since before Obama was elected President. Maitreya’s website now prominently displays the color photo still of the Norway Spiral, claiming that it is another manifestation of the “sign” of his imminent world appearance.

Since truth researchers, informed Christians and NWO researchers are all well aware that the Norway Spiral was a Project Blue Beam HAARP event, completely artifically created using HAARP waves (the spiral manifested right over the Norway HAARP facility) THIS clinches the connection between Maitreya’s Share International Organization and the global NEW WORLD ORDER illuminati elite. He is the final Antichrist, come as the ultimate final imposter of Jesus himself.

Christians around the world should make hase to carry this information straight to your pastors, pulpits, congregations and your friends and family. We need to be read for that global TV event by NOT WATCHING IT and warning others not to as well.

A prominent Christian who attended a Maitreya  / Benjamin Creme event stated that when Creme entered the room, he made a gesture with his hand and immediately everyone in the room but her fell into a deep trance. She stated there was nothing she could do during his speech to bring anyone out of it and she as the only person unaffected. See videos below.

About CKH888

Not much to tell. Um.... I author news and art blogs now & then. :-)
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