How Can “Maitreya Mania” Be Avoided? Chase Hunter Counsels Pray for the Discernment of Spirits

Maitreya the Antichrist

The search term: “Maitreya Antichrist” has become very popular on this and other blogs I run, so here are some of the most popular articles and essays on the subject below this post.

If you are trying to understand just what the controversy is all about, [ for example, why a global TV interview with Maitreya was announced by Share International months and months in advance last year, and even going back to 2008, and promoted ad nauseam with glossy TV spots, which aired on CNN, and FOX, and then apparently the big interview was given “in secret” on obscure TV outlets with another man, economist and authoRaj Patel,  who is not the same man who is pictured on the Share International website as being Maitreya ],  then you should spend some time on this blog and do your own research. This blog was started to record an documents each new Maitreya fraud as it takes place: you are here:

This subject has become important because numerous dangerous cults have risen up around strange religious and non-religious figures in the last 30 years, and several of those cults eventually grew in size to such enormous proportions that their illegal and unscrupulous tactics for gaining members and dollars cost people their sanity and even their lives. The ongoing evil, well documented, and the abject fraud of The Church of Scientology comes to mind as just one of these destructive modern cults.

Any time a man is announced by a public relations agent as the “Second Coming of Christ, and World Teacher to all religions” we should stand aside and look a little bit deeper. That’s a lofty claim. If it were true, no global ad campaign would be needed to support it, for it would be overwhelmingly self evident, intrinsic to the innate Divinity of the man and his personage. For example, Jesus of Nazareth’s 12 disciples called him “Master’ unbidden. He never asked them to. He did not have to. His Divinity and His deep and pure holiness, His closeness to the Father [“I and the Father Are One”]  and gentle but deep spiritual power for good emanated from him, and their souls all recognized it,thus  referring to him as “Master.”

We live in a high tech modern age where anything can be sold as anything with high voltage TV spots, talk radio, the web, and public meetings and confernces.Very disturbing things have been witnessed and documented by devout Christians who have attended Maitreya’s conferences organized and led by British Theosophist and PR man Benjamin Creme.

Witness the spectacle in 2008 of “Obama Mania”, which quickly morphed into Obama Worship, culminating finally in “Obama the Messiah”. Does he still seem like a Messiah to his “devotees” now? I believe mere mortal would be the more appropriate appellation at this point. We run the risk of incurring blasphemy against the Holy Spirit when we elevate those who are mortal men to an undeserved and unearned “Divine” status. Allow the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Truth to reveal to you who and what is holy and divine on this world through devout prayer and reflection.  Don’t depend on an advertising campaign and a TV set for that. The television is not a God, and most often more lies emerge from it than deeper spiritual truth.

If the Kingdom of Heaven is within you, then the true discernment of the Spirit if also. I believe that is the right direction to take in understanding the great falling away which is now occurring on this world.

Chase Hunter


Maitreya research which appears on several of my blogs includes:

“Maitreya’s” TV Interview Was A No Show! The Value of Nothing


The Value of Nothing: The Cowardly Act of Hiding “Maitreya’s” Supposed TV Interview Using Bait and Switch Advertising Fraud
Let’s say that a PR and advertising man had been given the job of trying to promote a man who was destined to be one of the most reviled and despised individuals in human history, since […]

Posted in American Tea Party Movement, Chase Hunter Essays, Grassroots Reporting, HAARP Technology, HAARP plays God, Maitreya Spiritual Fraud, New World Order Agenda Exposed, Truth Movement, USA Patriots | Edit | 10 Comments »

Did Jesus Predict the Great Earthquakes of Our Age & A Culminating Pole Shift?


01.18.2010 By Chase Hunter, with supporting quotations from an anonymous Christian writer on the web.
Another site author writes:
“If earthquakes are not on the increase, then what shall we make of the biblical evidence that earthquakes will increase in the last days? As noted above, Hal Lindsey says that earthquakes will continue to increase “just as […]

Posted in American Women New Spirituality, Chase Hunter Essays, Grassroots Reporting, Spirituality, global unity consciousness | Edit | 1 Comment »

Prophet & Shaman Chase Hunter Warns: “Advent of the Antichrist” is Beginning


I am writing this essay to warn the world about what is about to occur in 2010.
The world apostasy known in Christian circles as the “advent of the Antichrist” is beginning. People who learn the truth must discreetly warn others that Maitreya will attempt to “pose as the return of Christ” on a world […]

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Will the REAL Second Coming Occur In Our Lifetimes? Chase Hunter Makes An Astounding Prediction


Now that 2010 has arrived, spiritually awakened truthseekers around the world should be watching for these emerging global apostasy end times related events:

>> The international introduction of the global new world order illuminati Antichrist and new age false Messiah “Maitreya”, who is based in London and promoted by PR man Benjamin Creme.  Study the videos […]

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Antichrist Maitreya commercial airing on CNN


Antichrist Maitreya commercial airing on CNN

The real Jesus would NEVER need to advertise, or use blue beam technology to fake his own Second Coming. This fraud will experience the Second Death for what he is trying to do. Share this video with other Christians.

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The Woman Who Intimidated the Antichrist


The Woman Who Intimidated the Antichrist: Kathleen Keating on Coast to Coast Am Radio, Interviewed By Art Bell on March 5th 2001
This historic radio interview is segmented into 12 parts. The playlist should play all 12 in sequence. Set aside a quiet time, with a couple of hours to yourself, without kids, elders or teens […]

Posted in American Militias, American Patriot Movement, American Patriots, American Tea Party Movement, American Women New Spirituality, Grassroots Reporting, Maitreya Spiritual Fraud, New World Order Agenda Exposed, Patriots, Social Commentary, Truth Movement, USA Patriots, global unity consciousness | Edit | Leave a Comment »

Author Kathleen Keating’s Book “Final Warning” Exposed Fraud Maitreya 10 Years Ago


The Woman Who Intimidated the Antichrist: Kathleen Keating on Coast to Coast Am Radio, Interviewed By Art Bell on March 5th 2000
This historic radio interview is segmented into 12 parts. The playlist should play all 12 in sequence. Set aside a quiet time, with a couple of hours to yourself, without kids, elders or teens […]

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2009 Patriot News Links Archive: Obamanation Chronicled


Petition to Block Congressional Acts Against Freedom of Speech and Press:

Read and Sign the petition here:

National PSY-OP Alert: NWO Intends to Re-frame our Memories of 9-11 – MUST READ information

Brilliant Video By Dr. Horowitz Exposes the Swine Flu Hoax – MUST SEE, MUST SHARE Vide

Obama Birth Fraud Deepens: He is 52 […]

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Chase Hunter’s Warning to the Many False Christs of the Last Days


Updated Apostacy Watch Information
by Chase Hunter 01.09.2010

I have always felt personally that human beings need to transcend organized religion and religious belief systems in order to actually experience the fact of being a part of the Presence of God. To cultivate a personal relationship with God as one understands him/her to be […]

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East Indian Yogi Proclaims “Maitreya” the Return of Christ to His Followers – Global Apostasy Begins


2012: The Coming of the Kalki Maitreya Avatar, Four Horsemen, Second Advent of the Christ (Antichrist Apostasy warning)

A Maitreya devotee predicts his world appearance on or before 2012. Guard your soul as you listen. This is the beginning of absolute blasphemy against the Holy Spirit and the advent of the final […]

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C2C Vintage Radio Interview w/ Kathleen Keating RE Maitreya May 25th 2000 Pt1


C2C – Kathleen Keating – May 25th 2000 Pt1

Historic radio interview with Kathleen Keating indicates there will be some sort of limited pole shift, as well as the clear indication that Maitreya is the final Antichrist. MUST LISTENING. Pass this along to those you love – it’s a 4 part video […]

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2010 Apostasy Watch: New Age Antichrist Maitreya Will Be Running Advertisements on International & USA TV Networks Soon


All I have to say is this:  If someone needed unequivocal solid proof that Maitreya IS NOT Jesus Christ, just observe the following video.
When my real King of Kings returns, He will not need to run TV advertisements to try to convince the world of who and what He is.
The second video is a very […]

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Maitreya Followers & Researchers Tell of Imminent Maitreya TV Interview


I am posting these videos for research and study purposes for the worldwide Christian community to use in their studies, as we work to expose the fraud which is Maitreya. I am not a Maitreya supporter, quite the contrary. See the front page of this blog for more details on the Antichrist Maitreya.
See also

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Benjamin Creme talks to George Noory and makes him sick! Antichrist = Maitreya


Benjamin Creme talks to George Noory and makes him physically sick! Listeners were sickened too.
Antichrist = Maitreya

Blessings to you and yours this Christmas season. I have just posted a new original essay of prophesy, predictions and an expose’ on Antichrist figure Maitreya and his desperate affiliation with the Norway Spiral […]

Posted in American Blogosphere, Grassroots Reporting, Maitreya False Messiah, Maitreya Spiritual Fraud, Son of Perdition, Truth Movement | Edit | Leave a Comment »

Maitreya the Antichrist


Maitreya the Antichrist

Blessings to you and yours this Christmas season. I have just posted a new original essay of prophesy, predictions and an expose’ on Antichrist figure Maitreya and his desperate affiliation with the Norway Spiral to try to affiliate himself with this false sign. Please visit the front page of […]

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HAARP Project Blue beam – “The Lie”, Lord Maitreya: The Antichrist


Project Blue beam – “The Lie”, Lord Maitreya-The Antichrist
I had written numerous essays in the past five years warning about imminent movements to come from Apostate Anti-Christ figure Maitreya who resides in London – I believe this may be the beginning of that first movement. – ckh

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News & Video Mashup from Summer 2009


This video link below is an example of the kind of disinformation and mainstream Obama-ganda being broadcast on network news to try to discredit the truth movement and patriot movement. The authentic well informed outrage of middle America toward a fascist regime in Washington is being painted as “racist” (again) to try to silence genuine […]

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In California A Sobering Level of Religious Ignorance & Superstition is Revealed Behind the Real Proponents of Proposition Eight


The truth behind Proposition Eight finally comes out and it makes about as much sense in the 21st century as the medieval practice of “blood letting” does as a cure for the common cold. I’m quite sure that there are members of this Prop 8 contingency who would burn gays and lesbians at […]

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Chase Hunter: Popular Essays At A Glance


My Call for Global Awakening Continues
Consumerism:  My Recent Visit to a Local Shopping  Mall
While You Watched TV, They RFID Chipped Your Nikes
Eyes Wide Open Is A State of Mind – August 09 Feature Essay
How NOT to Blog – How NOT To Get Sent to Jail
Emergency Preparedness: 10 Essentials Everyone Should Have […]

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Maitreya: False Signs & Wonders


Daily Breaking News Headlines from Alligator Farm
Apostasy Antichrist Watch: Iran prepares for the advent of their long awaited “Mhadi”
Article Excerpt – see link above:
“The Bible abounds with proofs that the Antichrist’s empire will consist only of nations that are, today, Islamic,” says Richardson. “Despite the numerous prevailing arguments for the emergence of a revived […]

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Maitreya Dossier of Research part 1 of 2
Reader take note: I AM NOT a supporter of Maitreya. I present these videos as a dossier of research for progresive and traditional Christains, as I consider the figure Maitreya to be one of the top 3 contenders to fulfill the Apostasy which Christians […]

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Maitreya’s False Signs & Wonders Begin


Benjamin Creme talks about the ’star’

Maitreya’s False Signs & Wonders Begin: Dec 19 2008 News Story
As contenders for “world apostate prince” go, the man who will soon call himself “Maitreya” on live TV globalcasts is in my top three.
I have been following and researching “Maitreya” since the late 1980s, when he […]

Posted in Grassroots Reporting, Social Commentary | Edit | 4 Comments »

New American Stampedes Are A Signpost


Have you ever observed wild animals stampeding?  Everyone is quietly grazing. Some real or imagined threat is discerned. A grazing head pops up, stares at the source of the threat intently, makes a visceral instinctive non-thinking decision, then bolts. The herd detects that the alarm has sounded, and they all follow suit, careening in every […]

Posted in Grassroots Reporting, Internet Satire, More Obama Nation, New World Order Agenda Exposed, Social Commentary | Edit | Leave a Comment »



Daily Breaking News Headlines from Alligator Farm
(Video) Did Jesus Give Us the Name of the Antichrist?

Essay By Chase Hunter  – Updated 7.26.2009

“Just as you can’t put Niagara Falls in a coffee can, you also cannot record the Infinite Mind of God into any one written text. […]

Posted in Uncategorized | Edit | 11 Comments »

About CKH888

Not much to tell. Um.... I author news and art blogs now & then. :-)
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22 Responses to How Can “Maitreya Mania” Be Avoided? Chase Hunter Counsels Pray for the Discernment of Spirits

  1. Pingback: Will the REAL Maitreya Please Stand Up? World Christendom Wants To Know « 333 Crucible: The Divine Imperative

  2. Greg Lewis says:

    Per Raj Patel”s Blog:”

    15 paragraphs …………….control of the world’s resources.”

    sorry to snip this comment poster, but I am not interested in re-posting raj patel’s snarky clever blog, with the picture of maitreya on it, the video he posted was very insulting to all real christians, and is par for the course, as they say.

    the commenter here, Greg, had posted about 15 paragraphs from patel’s blog on here, but I have removed it.

    I read patel’s blog yesterday – I am fully aware of his disposition and position in all of this. He’s a UN insider. He knows all about what’s going on. I wish his defenders would just move on. Complicity is just what the term implies. He even provided good clean face shots of himself gin bright daylight so we could all get a ood look at the maitreya double. Creepy.

    bye now.


  3. Day says:

    That’s a spooky comparison, but I do not think they are the same man. However, as I have written earlier in several posts I beliebe Obama is the false propeht spoken of in Revelations who will PROMOTE Maitreya once the UN says “go.” Watch for this – when Obama begins to promote Maitreya it is time to flee to the hills, for world war III is then coming on us. That’s what the Spirit tells me to publish, whether I like it or not.

    Thanks for your visit. God bless and keep you.


  4. miry says:

    Guten Tag Chase

    Der falsche Prophet könnte Benjamin Creme sein.
    Warum glaubst du nicht an eine Entrückung?
    Bei Lukas (21:32-37) steht, dass wir entfliehen können. Wir brauchen uns nicht um die Nahrung zu sorgen.

    Viele Grüsse von Miry

    Good day Chase

    The false prophet may be Benjamin Creme.
    Why do you not believe in a rapture?
    Luke is on (21:32-37) that we can escape. We need not worry about the food.

    Many greetings from Miry

    • Day says:

      German: Ja, tut Creme passen auch die Beschreibung, aber er wird krank und sterben dann Obama wird durch eine UN-Richtlinie cued Miatreya auf die Welt zu verkaufen.

      Ich glaube an eine Wonne. Aber ich weiß auch, dass Gott hat mir eine Arbeit zu tun. Ich muss versuchen, zu erziehen und geistig Amerika vorzubereiten, beiseite zu treten und nicht auf die maiteya liegen zu kaufen. Ich glaube, Gott gibt uns Gaben, wie die 9 Gaben des Heiligen Geistes, um diese nutzen, um unsere Mitmenschen zu dienen und vorbereitet werden. Die versteckte elte, die jetzt 95% der eigenen Ressourcen der Welt kann eine Nahrungsmittelknappheit auf die USA o alle Länder auf ihrer Laune Frühling, dass, wie weit die auf diesem ist alles.
      Es ist tragisch, und es geschah in den letzten 40 Jahren hinter den Kulissen, während die Medien der USA Bevölkerung Witz clevere TV-Shows unterhalten. TV ist eine der geatest Übel der modernen Zivilisation im Westen und Europa.

      Während die Massen dumm vor dem Fernseher sitzen, haben sie diese Dinge in tiefes Geheimnis gemacht. Die Mehrheit der Amerikaner sind so ungebildet – auch direkt vom College, sie können nicht sagen, wer der Vice President ist, oder wer der Secretary of State ist – oder, wer und was der CFR, bilderber Gruppe und die UN.

      Sie haben unser Land gestohlen, während die Massen SA und sahen fern in Unschuld und das Vertrauen ihrer Regierung, meine Hand auf die Bibel es ist wahr.


      English: Yes, Creme does also fit the description, but he will fall ill and die then Obama will be cued by a UN directive to sell Miatreya to the world.

      I DO believe in a rapture. But I also know that God has given me a work to do. I must try to educate and spiritually prepare America to stand aside and not to buy the maiteya lie. I believe God give us gifts, such as the 9 gifts of the holy spirit, in order to use those to serve our fellow humans and to be prepared. The hidden elte who now own 95% of the world’s resources can spring a food shortage on the usa o any country at their whim, that’s how far along this all is.
      It’s tragic and it happened in the past 40 years behind the scenes while their media entertained the usa population wit clever tv shows. TV is one of the geatest evils of modern civilization in the west and europe.

      While the masses sit stupidly watching tv, they have done these things in deep secret. The majority of Americans are so uneducated – even right out of college- they cannot tell you who the vice president is, or who the secretary of state is – or who and what the CFR, bilderber group and UN are.

      They have stolen our country while the masses sat and watched tv in innocence and trust of their government, my hand on the bible it is true.


    • miry says:

      Good day Chase

      I thank you for your message.
      Yes it’s true Creme is already an old man but he will have a successor.

      I want you to still 2.Thess. 2:7 ask. Then Paul writes of the one who needs to be taken away. What do you think? Who is the one?

      Also, it interests me, why do you call yourself a shaman?

      And besides, how you got the order to awaken America?

      I wish you all the best


      Guten Tag Chase
      Ich danke dir für deine Nachricht.
      Ja es stimmt, Creme ist bereits ein alter Mann. Er wird aber einen Nachfolger haben.
      Ich möchte dich noch zum 2.Thess. 2:7 fragen. Da schreibt Paulus von dem, der weg genommen werden muss. Was meinst du? Wer ist der Eine?
      Auch interessiert es mich, wieso du dich ein Schamane nennst?
      Und zudem, wie bekamst du den Auftrag, Amerika zu wecken?
      Ich wünsche dir alles Gute

  5. miry says:

    Good day Chase

    I thank you for your message.Yes it’s true Creme is already an old man but he will have a successor. I want you to still 2.Thess. 2:7 ask. Then Paul writes of the one who needs to be taken away. What do you think? Who is the one? Also, it interests me, why do you call yourself a shaman? And besides, how you got the order to awaken America? I wish you all the best


    Guten Tag Chase
    Ich danke dir für deine Nachricht.
    Ja es stimmt, Creme ist bereits ein alter Mann. Er wird aber einen Nachfolger haben.
    Ich möchte dich noch zum 2.Thess. 2:7 fragen. Da schreibt Paulus von dem, der weg genommen werden muss. Was meinst du? Wer ist der Eine?
    Auch interessiert es mich, wieso du dich ein Schamane nennst?
    Und zudem, wie bekamst du den Auftrag, Amerika zu wecken?
    Ich wünsche dir alles Gute

    • Day says:

      Hallo Miry,

      Ich war gerade Lesung Thessalonans letzte Woche, und ich war sehr zufrieden mit dem Ausdruck “eine kräftige Irrtümer” in Thess genommen. 2 2.11 Uhr:

      Es liest [kjv]

      “Und aus diesem Grund wird ihnen Gott kräftige Irrtümer senden, daß sie glauben, eine Lüge ist “…..

      Ich finde diese Stelle zermürbend. Es ist, als Gottes Wort ist durch die Schrift, daß sie dazu bestimmt ist, dass viele glauben, dass diese “kräftige Irrtümer” und wird nach dem Sohn des Verderbens, der ich glaube, wird Maitreya folgen. Es macht mich frage mich, wie viel von all dies ist von Gott vorherbestimmt, (Warum?) Und dre ist nur so viel, dass die Christen tun können, um ihn zu stoppen.

      Just Pause zu Gott Sie uns auch eine “kräftige Irrtümer” – I hav wurde nachdenklich, dass die Schrift für eine lange Zeit.

      Vielen Dank für Ihren Besuch. Meine Schamanismus kommt durch Cherokee Indianer in meiner Vorfahren – ich bin 3/8ths Cherokee.




      Hi Miry,

      I was just reading Thessalonans last week, and I was very taken with the phrase “a strong delusion” in Thess. 2 2:11:

      It reads [kjv]

      “And for this cause, God shall send them strong delusion, that they shall believe a lie”…..

      I find this passage unnerving. It is as God is saying through the scripture, that it is destined that many will believe this “strong delusion” and will follow after the son of perdition, who I believe will be Maitreya. It makes me wonder how much of all of this is predestined by God, {why?} and thre is only so much that Christians can do to stop it.

      Just pause to consider God sending us a “strong delusion” – I hav been pondering that scripture for a long time now.

      Thanks for your visit. My shamanism comes through in my cherokee indian ancestry – I am 3/8ths Cherokee.



    • Day says:

      recent essay: “a strong delusion”

      ref link:

      A Strong Delusion

  6. miry says:

    Good day Chase

    I also think that the strong error has to do with Maitreya. But it is an admission of God.

    First, however, the one must be taken away. Since I do not know, it is the Archangel Michael, or the Holy Spirit.

    Remaining Creme: the beast from the sea has indeed two horns. This could mean that there will be two false prophets.

    All property of Miry

    Guten Tag Chase
    Auch ich denke, dass der kräftige Irrtum mit Maitreya zu tun hat. Es ist aber eine Zulassung von Gott.
    Zuerst muss aber der Eine weggenommen werden. Da weiss ich nicht, ist es der Erzengel Michael oder der heilige Geist.
    Noch zu Creme: das Tier aus dem Meer hat ja zwei Hörner. Dies könnte bedeuten, dass es zwei falsche Propheten geben wird.
    Alles Gute von Miry

    • Day says:

      Wenn es können zwei falschen Propheten wäre es für mich Sinn machen. Ich würde spekulieren, posibly Obama und Creme, denn dein sind sowohl Facharbeiter als überzeugender Redner und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit Männer, die sich auf die Zusammenarbeit der verwendeten Medien. Uhr mit mir und bete für diese Welt. Bitte kehren Sie commet und den Dialog zu jeder Zeit! Wie Sie rceive Ihre Erkenntnisse oder Gedanken kommen und zu kommentieren.

      Nochmals vielen Dank! Gott segne und behüte dich!


      If there may be two false prophets it would make sense to me. I would speculate possibly Barack Obama and Benjamin Creme, for they are both skilled persuasive orators and public relations men who are used to working the media. Watch with me and pray for this world. Please return to commet and dialogue at any time! As you rceive your insights or thoughts, come and comment.

      Thanks again! God bless and keep you!


  7. miry says:

    Sorry, I meant the beast of the earth!


  8. miry says:

    Good day Chase

    I thank you very much for letting me write to you. You still can write only in English.

    Please remember that what Jesus Christ has prophesied, is the plan from Lucifer. It will be experienced in heaven, why God tolerate evil so long time. There must be something to do with the lost sheep to have.

    Paul was the first missionary, he was very valuable to Christianity. But he was also the first moralist. I do not think that God punishes. God lets it happen, what people create themselves.

    People can choose between two paths. The two paths that happen soon:

    The glorious path for those who love Jesus and live charity. They behave actively. They will be removed.

    The painful way for those who are lukewarm in their faith. They behave passively. They need to go in to the great tribulation. Aber the good people are not lost. In the end Jesus Christ will come and will separate the good from the bad.

    When the rapture will take place is not clearly described. But I had a dream that seemed to me as an angel. He said to me that the rapture will happen very soon.

    I wish you all the best


  9. Pingback: Christian Mystic CK Hunter Documents the Bizarre Rise of Raj Patel and Claims Made That He is a World Messiah « Biblical Times News

  10. Pingback: Christian Mystic Chase Kyla Hunter Documents the Bizarre Rise of Raj Patel and Claims Made That He is a World Messiah « Biblical Times News

  11. Pingback: Chase K. Hunter Documents the Bizarre Myths of “World Messiahship” Attributed to Raj Patel « Artopia 444

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  14. Pingback: Breaking: NWO Begins Testing Massive HAARP Bluebeam Hologram in China « 333 Crucible: The Divine Imperative

  15. Pingback: Censored Essays Exposing Maitreya Deception Salvaged « Actuality 777

  16. Pingback: This Research Material Was Removed From My Blog. I Have Restored it. « The USA Web Report

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